Saturday, September 3, 2016

Healthy breakfast? Bah.....

Speaking as himself, here's what I think:  Breakfast is not *Meant* to be healthy.  It's meant to generate an interest in living, after being forced to get out of a nice, warm, comfy bed and face the world.

Yes, that's coffee's job too, but breakfast plays a big part as well.

Breakfast should be something that makes one go  "Hmm... I guess this was worth getting up for.  Gimme some more!"   Not a Martian protein shake full of sadness and sorrow, but something tasty and satisfying.  Twigs and rocks with almond nut juice dribbled over them do not a breakfast make.

Breakfast should be made of fat, and carbs, and meat, and more carbs, and more yummy things like that.

Breakfast should be.....

Pancakes and sausage
and biscuits with gravy

Toast that's been buttered
and bacon that's wavy

♫ These are a few of
  my faaavorite things! ♫

Poached eggs and ham steaks
and fried eggs so sunny

French toast and muffins
and hashbrowns so yummy

♫ These are a few of
  my faaavorite things! ♫

Scrapple that's tasty
and warm grits with ham

Sweet buns so sticky
and French toast with jam

When the dawn breaks..
When the clock rings..
When the sleep is gone..

♫ These are a few of
  my faaavorite things! ♫

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